Sotogrande Jobs

Looking for a job? Check out our dedicated jobs in Sotogrande section.
Looking for staff or hiring seasonal workers for summer? List your vacancy.

Working in Sotogrande

Many people living in Sotogrande work in Gibraltar, but you can also find work locally.

Most jobs in and around Sotogrande are in small and medium sized companies, especially bars, restaurants and hotels as well as in the service industry.

Popular jobs include au pair and nanny jobs as well as bartender and waiter jobs.

The Yachting and Real Estate industry as well as Sotogrande International School and other educational institutions are also important employers in Sotogrande.

Finding job vacancies in Sotogrande is often best achieved through local contacts or networking and now also via the dedicated jobs in Sotogrande section on

We also advise jobseekers to join our Sotogrande Community on Facebook.